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Welcome to "Medjugorje4Everyone."
Our work was formed out of a pilgrimage organisation whose coach parties to the Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina became unsafe during the civil wars of 1991 - 1995.  Dr. Baty had been engaged to act as a guide for Anglican and other non-Catholic pilgrims going by coach from the South of England. When the emphasis switched to sea and air travel only, he dedicated the additional time to local churches and by letter and correspondence.
We offer you through this website:

If you want more, just ask ... and we'll "look-see" who can give it!

Gospa - Our Lady and Patron
A photographic image of Our Lady taken in Medjugorje

First we'll highlight important areas you will find as you browse through the rest of our website.

A Prayer and Worship Schedule for You
We recommend, and will assist improve your:
Weekly attendance at the Holy Communion, The Eucharist or The Divine Liturgy;
Regular scheme of Bible Reading;
The Rosary, said wholly or in at least one Decade every day;
Personal confession and fasting or other abstinence (for those unable to fast on medical grounds - fewer than we think!);
Morning and Evening Prayer as required by your Church or spiritual director.

Your Schedule
Sundays and Feast-Days  - The Eucharist at your own local Church;
Daily: Morning and Evening Prayer + the Rosary, and the Eucharist if you can, and ... Celebrate!

St. James Church, Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegivina
Evening at the parish church in Medjugorje at which the major pilgrim services are held

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for announcements and special events.
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